Monday, February 1, 2010

prop 8

A movie by the name of 8: The Morman Proposition came out at the 2010 Sundance Film Festival exposing the Morman Church’s involvement in proposition 8. The film observes the way in which the church brainwashes its members into mixing politics and church. The film being premiered just 25 miles away from the church head quarters has become extremely controversial and has already generated protests by members of the church. Fortunately despite the huge controversy of the film it was still shown at the festival.
The film investigated and exposed the many ways the church was working for and funding prop 8. The Morman church had provided roughly 75% of the campaign funds and 71% of the campaign volunteers were Mormons. However this is not the first time the Morman church has campaigned against human rights, until the early 1960’s the Mormons had preached that the only way to get into heaven if you were black was through slavery. Brigham Young and leaders of the church had publically spoke for segregation and against progress, fortunately an elder in the church eventually denounced racism and accepted blacks into their church as “equals” . Women in the church also can only hold 2 official positions, both of which have nothing to do with faith or religion. The fact of the matter is that the Morman Religion teaches great morals to do with family and love; however the church itself has become a behemoth of hate and ignorance sticking its nose where it doesn’t belong, in politics.
The gay rights movement is the civil rights movement of our era, and like the civil rights movement there are many road blocks that are trying to prevent change, the Morman church is one of these roadblocks. The Morman church is an organization that follows corrupt leaders that campaign against progress, progress that wouldn’t affect them in the least, the ideals taught by the Morman church are pure, family and love, but the Church stands for much more than that; ignorance, bigotry and hate name a few. The fact of the matter is that the Morman church is a rabid dog that is trying to prevent society from reaching it’s destine goal for progress, and it either needs to be cured of its sickness, or put down.